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Follow This Ways To Inspect Your Industrial Properties

Preparing for an Inspection of a Commercial Property


The customer should perform the following:


1) Prior to the day of the walk-through inspection, visit the property on many occasions and at various times of the day (and night, if possible).


This will give you a better understanding of the property’s operation and help you identify any flaws and points of interest to report to the inspector. For instance, the HVAC system may emit unnerving sounds, operate at night when it shouldn’t, or distribute airflow in an uneven manner. Mention these elements to your commercial inspector for additional evaluation.


Disorganized or unclean mechanical rooms should be reported to the inspector. This may suggest concerns with neglected maintenance or components in deterioration. The inspector will only inspect easily accessible locations, therefore remove any obstructions prior to the planned walk-through inspection.


For industrial land for sale , inspection at night can clear the night operation of the surrounding business, and it brings some insight for you. It is also possible to understand whether there are people who like to trespass privately in this area.  


Related article: What Is A Free Trade Zone (FTZ) In Malaysia And The Benefits. 


2) Outline your inspection’s objectives.


After reviewing the International Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial Properties (ComSOP), jot down any deviations from the ComSOP that you want completed or excluded. This will ensure a transparent inspection job scope that you may agree to. Depending on the disclosed information, accepted risks, intended building use, and type of real estate transaction at hand, the scope of work for a commercial inspection will vary from project to project.


Regardless, be prepare to tell the business inspection of the following:


  • timetable and due dates;
  • current or upcoming building upgrades and repairs;
  • previous and planned structure use; and
  • duties for building upkeep and repair assigned in the real estate transaction.

With this information, the inspector may suggest modifying the Scope of Work to meet the demands of your project. This could include:

  • omitting particular items from the examination;
  • ordering inspections by specialists to provide a better level of assurance for certain building systems; and/or
  • Once building upgrades and repairs are complete, schedule a second inspection.

Consider leveraging the inspector’s team of expert consultants to provide cost estimates for repairing and replacing any material faults discovered during the walk-through examination, as well as arranging additional inspection services, such as for:

  • a Survey of Accessibility or Inspection of Accessibility;
  • a Phase I or Phase II Environmental Site Evaluation;
  • an Indoor Air Quality Evaluation;
  • a Thermal Imaging Survey;
  • Energy Auditing;
  • Inspection for Wood-Destroying Organisms;
  • a Mold Assessment;
  • Radon Testing.
  • Inspection for industrial land for sale


3) Obtain papers and documentation from the person(s) having the most knowledge about the property.


This is often the current owner, management, or tenant of the building. Lease agreements, Certificates of Occupancy, building and fire code violations, service contracts, repair invoices, and maintenance records are examples of essential papers. From these documents and archives, it is possible to infer a great deal about the structure and its history.


Depending on the purpose of the inspection and your current position in the real estate deal, some individuals may be reluctant to hand over these documents. However, if you’re working with a real estate attorney or broker, getting such documentation and data is normally part of the standard procedure. In addition, the answer will always be “no” if you do not at least inquire.


4) Organize interviews and create pre-inspection questions.


Once the most knowledgeable individual(s) have been identified, make arrangements for their presence on the day of the walk-through survey. If the individual is unable to attend the inspection, the business inspector will offer a pre-inspection questionnaire to be completed through email or phone. The business inspector should receive the completed pre-inspection questionnaire before or on the day of the walk-through survey.


Find an inspector of commercial property.


Understanding what to anticipate and how to prepare for a commercial property inspection will help you make the most of your inspection, but keep in mind that each project is unique. Contact a member of the Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association in order to discuss your project’s specific requirements.


If you found this article useful, kindly share this with your friends who might considering to buy industrial land for sale / other industrial properties recently.  Don’t forget to explore other fascinating articles at The Posting Zone.

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