Planning To Rent A Space Out? 6 Benefits Of Having Detached Home Extensions

Are you looking for a way to rent a space out but don’t want to build an apartment building? You can opt for detached home extensions. As the name suggests, this type of home extension is not directly connected to the main house.
Investing in home extensions and having them rented out is a great way to make use of the space if you’re not going to use it yet. However, if you’re not going to rent it out for a long time, you should have plans of what it is for.
But regardless of the other uses, here are the benefits of renting out detached home extensions!
1. Privacy
Since detached home extensions are not connected to the main house in any way, the renters and owners both have their privacy. Unlike the attached home extension, wherein there’s a shared wall, there’s freedom in the detached one.
As for the owner, you can easily customise the home extension without considering the style and design of your main house. In addition, you can set more laid-back guidelines for your tenants if the home extension is not too close to the main house.
Besides, it’s more likely that you get tenants if the space is detached from the main house instead of attached.
2. Additional source of income
Since you’re planning to have a space rented out, you must be looking for another source of income. A detached home extension is a great investment since you can have it rented for the long and short term. However, it’s up to you to decide which works well for you.
But if you’re looking for ideas, it’s advisable to try the short-term contracts first before trying the monthly contracts. Besides, in short-term stays, you can easily earn money since the rate can be daily. Additionally, you can register your place to various online bookings like Airbnb, Tripadvisor, and Vrbo.
So if you think you can make money out of this idea, you got it right!
3. Flexible size
Since it’s still a part of your property, it’s up to you to decide the size of the extension. For instance, you can add a two-storey home extension that can be converted into two rental spaces.
On the other hand, if one is enough, you can opt for a single-storey extension for the rental space that can, later on, be transformed into other rooms.
But even if you still have a lot of outdoor space, don’t use all of them for the extension. Instead, find a way to make it seem like your property is not too crowded although there’s an addition to it.
4. No need to move during construction
Another good thing about detached home extensions is that you don’t need to move during the construction. Since it’s completely separated from the main house, you can continue your daily routine while having the extension.
Aside from that, you’ll be able to see the progress of the building every day. Of course, you can also stay when having attached home extensions, but if you’re not used to the noise, it may affect your routine.
So if you’re looking for an option that doesn’t require a lot of changes, choose detached home extensions for your rental space or any other extra room needs.
5. Freedom to renovate anytime
Since the detached home extension doesn’t need to acquire a seamless transition with the main house, you can redecorate and renovate it anytime. If you’re planning to use it as a rental space, you can make it look as if it’s a tiny house.
But if you’re done with renting it out, you can transform it into another design depending on its next purpose. Home extensions can be whatever you want them to be. Some of the most popular uses of home extensions are home offices, guest rooms, and storage.
However, if you still don’t have plans after it’s rented out, it’s fine. If possible, you can have it rented forever so that your extra income continues to come.
6. Adds value to your property
Not every addition to your property increases its value. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that. So to be sure, you should consult your real estate agent and ask for advice on whether you’re doing the right thing.
It’s not enough that you’re adding something to your property. But if the addition is practical and can make your place look more attractive, then there’s the additional value.
Fortunately, according to experts, you can attract up to 25% additional property value if you opt for a detached home extension. But of course, as mentioned before, the final verdict still depends on how it’s added to the property.
Are you excited to plan the detached home extension project? There are a lot of designs to choose from so take your time before finalising everything. Don’t forget to share your final design by leaving a comment below!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Aliana Baraquio currently writes for Cubbit’s Granny Flats Australia, a family-owned-and-operated business that delivers Granny Flats and Home Extensions for customers for over 25 years across NSW and ACT. She also loves interior designing and home makeovers.