Upper Body Workouts – Which Machine Will Give You The Best Results?

Upper body workouts are an excellent way to build muscle strength and define your arms, shoulders, chest, and back.
However, choosing the right machine is important to get the most out of your upper body workouts. Whether you want to add weight to your routine or switch it up, read our top picks for the best equipment.
Often used by athletes, gym-goers, and bodybuilders, the push-up is an effective upper-body exercise for building strength and improving cardiovascular health. It targets the pectoralis major, triceps, anterior deltoids, and core muscles like the abdominals, erector spinae, and glutes.
While push-ups aren’t particularly difficult, it is important to maintain proper form to prevent injuries and avoid overexertion. Common mistakes include letting your back sag, flaring out your arms, and moving too quickly.
In addition, if you’re new to the exercise or not strong enough to do standard push-ups, start with negatives when your chest lowers during the workout (an eccentric contraction). Negatives can be particularly beneficial for building muscle strength.
Another great way to make your push-ups more challenging is by using a weighted vest. The added weight helps to activate the lats and scapula more than other variations, which leads to serious strength gains.
Stairmaster is an excellent option for combining cardiovascular and resistance training. They are lower-impact than running and can improve your strength and endurance while burning calories.
One of the best benefits of a Stairmaster is that it strengthens your knees, which can help ease pain and prevent injury. As a bonus, it also builds muscles in your lower body and increases mobility.
Dumbbells offer various exercises that help you build muscle strength and power while strengthening your joints. Choose the right dumbbell set based on your fitness and performance goals, so you can progress toward those goals while staying safe.
The key to getting the most out of your dumbbell workout is ensuring proper form, says Kym Nolden, C.P.T., a NASM-certified exercise specialist. The good shape prevents injuries like a pulled muscle or strained back.
For example, do not allow your back or shoulders to curve while you bend down to pick up and put down weights; instead, push your hips and legs through as you lift.
This will make you stronger without putting pressure on your back and neck. Plus, it helps you avoid imbalance problems caused by using too much weight.
Rowing Machine
Rowing machines are a great way to get a complete upper-body workout. They’re low impact, and they’re easy to learn.
They also have a wide range of resistance, so you can increase the intensity as your fitness improves. Some models use air resistance, while others use water or magnetic resistance.
The best rowing machine for you will depend on your budget, fitness goals, and personal preferences. Some are foldable for easy storage. However, they often weigh a lot and require considerable space.
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Pull-ups are one of the most powerful exercises you can do for your upper body. They require strength in your back, shoulders, and arms and a strong core.
The main muscle groups involved are your latissimus dorsi (your big back muscle), the rhomboids, and your posterior deltoids. They all work together to stabilize your scapula (shoulder blades) during the movement, which helps prevent you from “winging” or “hunching” as you make a move.
Achieving a good pull-up requires a lot of practice and focus on form. That’s why I always recommend starting with foundational and strength-building exercises to ensure you’re stabilizing your scapula properly and moving through a full range of motion while performing pull-ups.
Then, you can progress to adding weight by doing a weighted pull-up with either a dip belt or a dumbbell between your feet. With bodyweight pull-ups alone, this will challenge your core, grip, and upper back to a higher degree than you can, making it an ideal progression for those looking to improve their upper-body strength.